Help Us Save Three Possibly Pregnant Jennies and a 3 year old Jack

This boy will be coming to us also. The person who got him from Diana does not want him anymore. We need to keep him under our wings. We will get the vet out to get the papers needed and bring him here. He can be a friend to Kong.
There are three Jennies that have been exposed to a Jack. These Jennies may possibly be pregnant. We will have a vet confirm this with ultrasounds. One is friendly the other two are sweet but still do not really trust. It is a lot to take three on at once but these girls really need us. One has a very bad foot that needs to be attended to.
We already have foster farms waiting to care for the Jennies, and the new kid will be introduced to Kong. All four of these donkeys will need vet checks which include health certificates, coggins tests and to have their teeth floated. All of them will be seen by a farrier. We need to raise at least $4800 in order to rescue these four donkeys. This will include the purchase ($1100 each for the Jennies, $900 for the Jack, $600 for the vet check and possibly more for teeth floating and any unforeseen extras). Farrier costs will be known once the extensive repair is calculated. Please consider donating whatever you can, whether it be a dollar or more. The rescue angels at the farm are all volunteers. No one gets paid. As each rescue finds their forever approved home, we will be rescuing another. We are so grateful for any support that you can give. You are the wind beneath our wings.
Thank you. Your donations help us to be able to take animals in when needed!
Please join us!