Saving Mommas and Babies

I was told about a person who was saving donkeys locally so I called. He assured me he was not a rescue but he had a soft spot for donkeys. He has a farm and he attends auctions around New England. When he sees a donkey in need, he tries to help. This baby and her mom were very emaciated and he took them and put them on his lush fields. They have improved and the baby was due here next week. I visited and I decided we needed to go get her in a van and not put her in a trailer. It is a 4-5 hour ride. Tina and our team went and got her. She was ready to be weaned and her momma needs to heal too, she is very thin.
Please CLICK HERE to follow her story. We post videos and pictures every day so you can watch her progress.

Rescue Warriors!

She is here now and safe and getting what she needs.

There is no room at the inn..... Yet we have a foster near where she is. We would have to raise $1,050 to cover her costs so far, the ride there and then sponsors for $300 a month to have her rehabbed. We used our emergency fund to save this baby and a pregnant jenny. Momma will need her feet trimmed and teeth floated and lots of groceries and supplements. She would be with Sassy's mom and be adopted out together. If you would like to help us get her to where she needs to be please consider donating! Please click the donate button below to help us.